Willkommen beim Borderstep Institut für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit
Hjelm, O., Larsson, M., Kanda, W., Norrman, C., Eldebo, K., Fichter, K., Hurrelmann, K., Seela, A., Stel, F., De Jong, R., Lundvall, C., Boiretz, S., Olsson, E., Skeppsby, M. & Detert, E. (2022). S4S Report on innovative approaches to collaborative green venturing (Work Package 3 and 4) Linköping, Oldenburg and Zuidlaren.
This report describes the combined activities in WP3 and WP4 of the ScaleUp4Sustainability (S4S) project, i.e., development, implementation and evaluation of innovative approaches and tools in collaborative green venturing.