Borderstep-Researcher Simon Hinterholzer präsentiert die Ergebnisse des Projekts EU-EcoCloud
  • © Rolf Schulten

Horizon Cloud Summit 2020

Sustainable Cloud for greener Europe (European Commission)

  • 25. - 26. November 2020
  • online

Horizon Cloud Summit 2020

The Horizon Cloud Summit 2020 aims at gathering researchers and innovators, Cloud stakeholders, as well as Cloud initiatives and projects to be on top of the relevant technology and market developments. The main objectives are to:

  • Discuss and shape the Strategic Agenda for Research, Innovation and Deployment of Cloud Computing in Europe as a crucial step to guide future public and private investments, by identifying the main research, innovation and deployment opportunities and challenges.
  • Share information on the latest advancements in the European Cloud Computing landscape, including relevant research initiatives, regulations, innovation, market opportunities, emerging use cases, as well as markets and business models.
  • Increase collaboration among Cloud stakeholders and foster the creation of synergies across the European Cloud Computing ecosystem, that will ensure its growth.

Register now (open till Nov 26)

More Information

Parallel Session: Sustainable Cloud for greener Europe

Moderator: Paolo Bertoldi (European Commission)

26.11.2020, 10:40 – 11:40

This thematic session includes presentations related to the EU key priority „Sustainable Cloud for greener Europe“.


  • John Booth – Consultant, Carbon3 IT
    • Presentation: Data Centre Design for Sustainable Cloud
  • Simon Hinterholzer – Researcher, Borderstep
    • Presentation: The energy demand of cloud computing in the European Union – insights and key takeaways from a recent study for the European Commission
  • Andreas Ebert – Microsoft
    • Presentation: Sustainable Cloud for Greener Europe
  • Mark Acton – Non Executive Director, EkkoSense
    • Presentation: Background on the Energy Challenges for Cloud and the existing Standards Landscape


Paolo Bertoldi – Senior Expert, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)