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Heubach, D. & Beucker, S. (2004). Application of nanotechnology in environmental technology – innovation potentials for companies? Insights from two surveys, In, H.M. Chein (Ed.), International Symposium on Environmental Nanotechnology 2004. Proceedings (pp. 19–32). Taipei, Taiwan.
The Fraunhofer IAO (Institute for Industrial Engineering) conducted on behalf of the German states Baden-Württemberg and Hessen two surveys on the potentials of nanotechnology application in environmental technology. Although the two surveys primarily focus on the German market and industry they draw comparisons with the international situation of nanotechnology and environmental technology in research, application, markets and funding. The two surveys use methods from innovation management and technology management for the analysis and allow conclusions for the assessment and the application of nanotechnology in traditional industry. The approach can therefore be generalized and adapted to other countries and industrial branches.