Willkommen beim Borderstep Institut für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit

Fichter, K., Fuad-Luke, A., Hjelm, O., Klofsten, M., Backman, M., Bergset, L., Bienkowska, D., Clausen, J., Geier, J., Hirscher, A.L., Kanda, W. & Kuisma, M. (2016). SHIFTing the Support of Entrepreneurship in Eco-Innovation. Summary of results and recommendations from the Eco-Innovera project SHIFT. Berlin, Helsinki, Linköping: SHIFT.
This booklet contains a summary of the scope and research approach adopted, the focal areas of the research, selected key results and subsequent recommendations. More detailed results and recommendations can be obtained from the various reports and publications of the SHIFT project (cf. SHIFT publications).